
Endeavor in single atom catalyst for ORR: see our latest work on ACS Energy Letters


    Recently, IQST members collaborated with Prof. Shuhui Sun, a member of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, reported an excellent work entitled as “Fe-NC Single-Atom Catalyst with Hierarchical Porous Structure and P–O Bond Coordination for Oxygen Reduction”, published on ACS Energy Letters

    In this work, P-O bonds were introduced into an N-doped carbon-supported single Fe atom catalyst (P-O/FeNC-SAC) via a confinement gas-steam fumigation method to synergistically modulate the electronic environment of the Fe-N4 active site and the hierarchical porous structure with rational porosity. The resulted P-O/FeNC-SAC electrocatalyst demonstrated excellent ORR performance for batteries and energy conversion devices.

Please refer to: ACS Energy Letters 2023, 4531-4539,

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